Attention Drivers: Don’t renew your car insurance BEFORE you read this!

There is a car insurance benefit that every driver needs to hear about.

We are constantly scanning the policies and regulations searching High and Low to find any benefits could SAVE YOU HUNDREDS! Recently, we found a service that has the potential to lower your Auto Insurance rates substantially, and it only takes a few minutes to see if you qualify.

Most car insurance companies dont want you to know about all of the discounts you can qualify for. This is why it is important to compare the latest Auto Insurance rates on a regular basis, and make them compete for your business. If you are above 35 years of age and insured presently, or drive less than 70 miles per day, this Policy likely applies to you.

These conditions above (if satisfied) put you in the pole position to benefit from the highest auto discounts seen over the last decade. The discount is even bigger if you have no traffic ticket over the past three years.

This is quite understandable; after all, no one wants to run at a loss. So, you are almost like Paul.

Paul had just retired from active government service, along with her wife. They needed to save some money on their expenses, so he contacted his long-time friend for help on the logical way to go about it.

On seeing the bills, John – Paul’s friend – was shocked. Paul was also paying 3x his insurance bill to his insurance company, despite driving fewer miles and fewer tickets than him. “This is unacceptable,” John told Paul at once.

In the bid to get clarifications on John’s reservation, he did some research on his own. He discovered this site, and after entering his information, he was shocked at how much lower his Auto Insurance rates could be!

Drivers who can benefit the most:

  • NO tickets the last 3 years
  • Drive below 70 miles per day
  • Is above 35 years old

This article demonstrates the importance of comparing rates and how applying this “Benefit”, in any state city or zip code, can help drivers save up to 32% and up to $368 per year. A second survey which analyzed car insurance quotes for 1,000 zip codes across the U.S. found that within a given zip code, rates vary by up to 154% on average, allowing drivers to find an average of up to 32% and up to $368 per year in savings.